Sunburned Skin Tips

Be careful out there. We all know there’s no such thing as a safe tan however inevitably many of us do end up getting outside this time of year and end up with a bit too much sun exposure ending up with more of a burn than a tan. Here are a few tips from Revivify to protect and heal your sun exposed skin this summer: • Try a sunless tanner with SPF: Forget about the orange, sticky, self-tanners of the past. These days there are more advanced sunless tanners that leave you with a beautiful, natural looking glow and protect your skin at the same time. • If you’ve already past the point of no return and that glow is more rosy than golden; apply a burn-relieving lotion with aloe: Replenish your natural moisture and relieve the burn with these aloe vera healing lotions. • Over-the-counter pain reliever: If the pain from the burn is just too much to bear, an over the counter pain relif such as Motrin every six hours might help do the trick. • Cool your skin with...