How to Find an Effective Back Pain Treatment in NJ?

Back pain is one of the most common health complaints. According to studies, around 80% of all Americans will have low back pain at least once in their lives. This is a staggering number. What causes back pain, how to prevent it from happening? We take a look! Read on! The core causes of back pain include - · Strained muscles · Strained ligaments · A muscle spasm · Lifting something improperly · Lifting something that is too heavy · The result of an abrupt and awkward movement Other causes could include infection of the spine, sleep disorder, shingles, bad mattress poor posture etc. People with mentally stressful job, pregnant women, people who smoke, and people suffering from obesity and other health conditions are at higher risk of developing low back pain. Usually a low back pain goes away if it is caused by a sudden minor condition such as lifting of a heavy metal. However, if the back pain does not go away using simple household medications,...